The carnival

It was a beautiful day, it smelled like popcorn and fries and sounded like people yelling AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! I was walking towards a water gun game. On the rack was dozens of stuffies. I hoped to get the fluffy giraffe. Two other people came to play. The gun was shiny and brand new. Then the person at the stand said “1,2,3…..go! I swiftly angled the gun at the tiny target and shot. it was intense but in the end………….. I WON!!!!!! Suddenly lights started flashing and loid noises boomed out from the speakers! Then the person at the stand said, since you won, what would you want? There was so many choises, there was a squid hat a balloon hot sauce bottle, penguin stuffies. I said I wanted the giraffe so he climbed  up the stand and took the giraffe off. He handed me the fluffy giraffe. It had soft fur, big eyes two little horns and short little feet and arms. That moment I just notice I have  made a new friend.

Kijiji ad

Are you tired of plain flat TV or being lonely well if your not get back to your imaginary friend. I have an awesome robot that can create holograms. If your watching TV but you realized you need to go exercising just bring it with you . Its water proof and you can even use it when there no internet or even when there’s a snow storm. If you want video games you got it ! you can play video games and even make video games. It can also be your personal assistant. So go ahead and buy yourself this robot. If  you don’t like it you can get your money back.


Contact:(306)NOT – REAL

Address:123 fakestreet in Canada


Smart goal #2

Goal:Longer paragraghs

Specific:To have longer paragraghs so I don’t spend too much time making them longer

Measurable:When I know that i’ve done a long paragragh

Attainable:I will check each time I write a paragragh

Realistic:I have all the materials I need

Timely:6 month

Smart Goal #1

Goal: More detail in sentences

Specific:To have more detail in writing so people would understand it more

Measurable:when I can see that I have more detail in my writing

Attainable: I will see my sentences as I write and see if it improved

Realistic:I have all the resources to complete this challenge(pencils and paper)

Time bond:In 6 month.

Tis A New Year

  10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1…. Its the NEW YEAR!! There is a lot of talk going on about a new invention this year. I hope it is a portable Wiior a flying car or something.

I hope its a flying car because if the road broke apart the flying car could just fly over it. Another case like if some one got an allergic reaction you could fly over the other car and get to the hospital quickly. It wouldn’t be that good if everyone had a flying car because there would be people crashing into each other. Another thing I hope will get invented is a portable WiiU. It would be great if they invented a portable WiiU because the WiiU remote is portable but the console is not. If it was it would be better if it was the size of an IPod and the disks should be the size of a card.

Those are my ideas of what should be invented this year. If you have any comments please comment .


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Raymond’s interests # 2

If you read my last post you probably heard about games and it being my interest. But I have a lot more! Although I love video games I also enjoy folding paper , its called Origami. I can fold all sorts of stuff like animals, planes and weapons. Sometimes I spend hours trying to find origami to fold. Usually I get videos with origami but when I watch it its actually kirigami ,that’s when they use scissors. But it’s basically the same thing. Some origami is very hard to make and some are fairly simple. There are many people who are  good at origami. Often considered a master of origami, Akira Yoshizawa started doing origami when he was about three. When he was around 26 he was doing origami full time. He even published books and he also founded the International Origami Society. Many people are good at Origami and so can you! 🙂

Raymond’s Interests #1

Yes!!!!!! I finally beat my record in the level ” can’t let go” in geometry dash. Although I beat my record it doesn’t mean I beat the level.  I have a lot of interests. My favorite interest is video games. I play many kinds of video games, including 3DS, WIIU, and I pad. Geometry Dash is a game with a square icon that jumps. You can make your own level, play other people’s level or the3 original levels. The game is very fun and interesting.

Happy Blogging

Hi,  I am excited to do a post. This is the first time I have ever posted a blog. I am new to posting but used to using computers. So this is going to be really fun for me! I can’t wait to learn things about Blogging and see my writing get better through the year.

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